Lubang ozon fluktiatif dari tahun ke tahun namun cenderung meluas. Fluktiatif ozone hole from year to year but tend to be widespread.

New York - This year, the ozone hole above Antarctica, South Pole achieve up to a maximum area of 26.88 square kilometers. This hole was recorded as the fifth largest ever recorded throughout history.

Area ozone hole is the result of the measurement of outer space agency U.S. (NASA), which has done so since the last 30 years. Specialists atmosphere from outer space agency U.S. (NASA), Paul Newman that was the hole that are classified as large.

Ozone hole formed due to the ozone layer. This is dangerous because the ozone layer to absorb work ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Widespread ozone hole was considered one of the trigger global warming.

Usually ozone hole formed bualn each August and have a wide maximum from September to October, before closing again. Last year the maximum ozone hole area of only 24.83 square kilometers.

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