ISSUES global warming is still menghangat in all areas of life. Efforts continue to hamper Buana warming, climate change is extreme, and degradation of environmental quality.

Currently, after improvement up the environment, the global economic crisis back swing-joints and joint life of our city, including the property sector. The crisis came beruntun and repeatedly should be able to move our awareness.

The shape of the architecture of buildings (housing, buildings) should go, response, and provide solutions. One is to explore the building (houses, buildings) are energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

Bath like body, we need to do to reduce the rate of dietary cholesterol in the building and make the building more slender and fresh that can make healthy self (a bag of savings, the building of) and environment (residents, the city) and avoid social stroke complications. For that, we need to recognize the basic issues and efforts that can be done.

Development of building energy-efficient and environment-friendly should be cheap, easy, and broad impact. The development of the city green (green city), the property green (green property), building green (green building), office / school green (green school / office), to use green products (green products) continues to contribute to reducing the global warming crisis and global economy.

Law No. 28 Year 2002 on Building encourage development using local building feels more environmentally friendly and harmonious with the environment of origin. Design building (green building) energy efficient, limiting the land established, simple layout, room flow, quality of building quality, materials efficiency, materials and environmentally friendly (green products).

Building green requires the layout design of buildings (10 percent), consumption and management of water (10 percent), fulfilling the electric energy (30 percent), building materials (15 percent), air quality in (20 percent), and breakthrough innovation (technology, operations) by 15 percent.

How big building (houses, buildings), which will be built? Enough is enough. Volume is maintained so that the cost of building the development, operation, maintenance and restrained and more cost-efficient.

The building is designed with the mass space, space openness, and the outer-space relationships in the liquid, wide terrace, bersilangan ventilation, and the void that is comparable klimatik tropical circulation pengudaraan to work and natural lighting evenly across the room to energy-efficient.

Utilization of alternative energy

To save electricity usage, we can use energy-efficient lighting, air conditioning to maintain the temperature at 25 ยบ C, open windows when the curtains to allow light, and turn off electronic equipment when not needed (not a stand-by position).

Invited to make use of alternative energy in meeting the electricity needs of a cheap and practical, and support the development of technology, solar energy, wind, biomass or for building houses / buildings.

The use of local materials would be more cost (cost of production, transportation). Creativity is needed to design the building of local produce to become more interesting, unique local specialties, and easily replaced and obtained from the place around. Blend material time or stone bricks for the foundation and walls, walls of wood or modern gedeg (bamboo), the roof, floor and teraso not good with building a wall of concrete and glass, steel frame and roof, floor and ceramics, marble, or granite. Motif dan ornamen lokal pada dekoratif bangunan juga memberikan nilai tambah tersendiri. Motifs and decorative ornaments on the local building also provides value-added material.

Utilization of materials used or the rest of the renovations to the building materials can also produce a beautiful building and functional. Kusen, doors or windows, glass, teraso, to the stairs and iron fences can still be used, given the new touch, and that can be reused to provide a new atmosphere in the building. Cheaper and remains strong.

The scale of the building and the proportion of open space should be observing the basic building coefficient (KDB) and the coefficient basic green (KDH), which ranges from 40-70 percent 30-60 proportionate space awakened percent for green space to breathe and absorb water. Whole or part of the roof the building restored as green space instead of the land mass that is used in the building underneath. Roof-roof buildings to be developed into park roof (roof garden) and wall crawl plant Creep (green wall) so that the air temperature outside and in the fall, reduced pollution, and increasing green space.

Glogal Warming

The existence of parks and trees important in the warming of the earth. Ruang dalam bangunan diisi tanaman pot. Space in a building filled with pot plants. Green space to be processed vegetable garden and a pharmacy and live trees planted fruit sufficient for the needs of day-to-day. Of the can maintain and protect the tree and be adopted by foster parents trees of the road in front of the front of the building (houses, buildings) we.

deally, the rain water can be absorbed into the soil as much as 30 percent. With many concrete buildings, asphalt roads, and little green open space, the city (such as Jakarta), only 9 percent are able to absorb rain water. Then, when the rainy season flooding, summer droughts. Meanwhile, consumption of water from taps only 47 percent, while the water reaches 53 percent.

The building must begin to reduce water use (Reduce), re-use of water for different purposes at once (reuse), recycle waste water (recycle), and re-fill water (recharge) resapan wells with water (1 x 1 x 2 meters) and / or hole resapan biopori (10 centimeters x 1 meter).

All waste water is inserted into the wells with water, processing resapan conventional order not to be too dependent on the existing system environment. How frugal use of water is close the tap when not needed, do not let the tap water has, water sparingly when washing hands and washing cups / plates, to select dual-flush toilets, always spend your drinking water.

In the process culture of waste, provide the building where the processing of waste from independent sources. Asked to reduce the (Reduce) the use of the goods difficult to unravel. Dipilah inorganic waste and re-used or sold to scavengers. Processed organic waste into compost to fertilize crops. No wasted waste (zero waste).

According to the WHO (2006), 70 percent of the pollution in Jakarta comes from motor vehicles. 5 Planting trees can only absorb CO2 emissions issued by 1 car! And emissions per person each for presume kilometers with a private car is 15 times the bus. We need to reduce the use of private vehicles, equipment to switch to environment-friendly public transport, car pooling, call colleagues clockwise, eco-driving. Lucky if the buildings near schools, markets, or the office, we just ride a bicycle or walk.

We can apply environmental management systems from homes, schools, to the office practical and simple to assist and support the realization of building energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, the responses in implementing environmentally friendly practices, to help reduce the cost of household, reduce consumption of natural resources, promote sustainable practices through improvement of the kesadartahuan, promote ways of mitigating climate change by saving energy and the use of renewable energy.

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