Many people who are to benefit from the presence of this Wikipedia. No wonder if the site was created by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger in 2001 is growing rapidly. Wikipedia is able to attract 684 million visitors each year. Then, there are more than 75 thousand active contributor to more than 10 million articles in more than 250 languages. When writing this I make it, there are more than 2.5 million articles in English. Every day there are hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world who marry tens of thousands of articles and create thousands of new articles to enrich the knowledge that this is in Wikipedia.
Yes, this is the excess Wikipedia encyclopedia than the form book. Wikipedia easier for people to access and contribute information at once. In addition, because online, quickly and easily every article that can be updated with the latest information.
Wikipedia's story is an example of what real-called "Collective Wisdom from the crowds." Try it, anyone can contribute new articles. Similarly, every article in Wikipedia can be edited easily. Means that each person also have the opportunity to provide information that is incorrect.
However, the fact Wikipedia's credibility remains intact. Wikipedia is still a reference number one in the Zagat virtual until now. Why? This is because each of the number of visitors Wikipedia millions and tens of thousands of active contributors was by itself will find out if there is information that is incorrect. They can fix quickly.
In the book The Wisdom of Crowds, James Surowiecki says that many people alias crowd will be able to produce decisions that are often better than decisions made by each individual. Surowiecki is a staff writer at the weekly magazine The New Yorker open book with a story that is quite interesting about Francis Galton, a scientist from Britain.
Galton is a when walking in a public market. There is a competition to guess the weight and body bison animal followed about 800 people. When the result was announced, there are interesting findings. In fact, on average, the results of conjecture all 800 people only different from the one pound weight of the bison. Guess the average is more appropriate than the estimation of some experts that cattle there.
Now, this introductory description of the next Surowiecki argues that the crowd can make a decision and predicted that better than people per person, or even compared to a group of experts even. However, not all the crowd could give a positive or take a wise decision. For example, only when the riot occurred in the international music or investor panic during the crisis in the capital markets.
Why can this happen? According to Surowiecki, there are a number of key criteria that a crowd could act with wisdom. The first is the diversity of opinions. Everyone should have the information that is unique to ensure the variation of thought. Second is the freedom of speech. Thus, the opinion of someone not determined by the opinion of the people around them.
Then the third criteria is decentralization. Each person is able to inject opinion based on his local knowledge. And the last criteria is the method to collect the opinions of each person and processed into a collective decision.
In the case of investor panic in the capital markets, can be seen that there is no diversity and freedom of speech. Investors consider the opinions of people too and not able to act independently. Then they began to imitate the actions of other people think and act differently. Conversely, we can see that the four criteria was able to be fulfilled by Wikipedia.
Wisdom of the crowds this will increasingly affect every aspect of marketing. Opinion of a group of elite people will be losing a lot of opinions from people like this. This is the process horisontalisasi occurred in the era of New Wave Marketing. So, never once was ignoring what it is said by many people!
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